VECMA Toolkit: Uptake

Uptake of VECMAtk

Components of the VVUQ Toolkit (VECMAtk) recorded: EasyVVUQ, FabSim3, QCG Pilot Job, EasyVVUQ Pilot Job, MUSCLE3, EasySurrogate and VECMAtk (as a single piece of downloading the full toolkit). The EasySurrogate tool and MUSCLE3 tool were recently added.

There are three FabSim3 plugins: FabCovid19, FabFlee and FabMD.

Uptake is measured as accumulated number of downloads and accumulated number of views as shown in the following figures. The uptake is regularly updated every two weeks based on the traffic directly from the GitHub sites where various tools are hosted.


EasyVVUQ: A Python library designed to facilitate verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) for a wide variety of simulations.

Accumulated number of downloads – EasyVVUQ



Accumulated number of views – EasyVVUQ



FabSim3: an automation toolkit for complex simulation tasks.

Accumulated number of downloads – FabSim3



Accumulated number of views – FabSim3



QCG Pilot Job: a lightweight implementation of the Pilot Job mechanism. It can be easily incorporated into scientific workflows to provide efficient and reliable execution of large number of computational jobs.

Accumulated number of downloads – QCG Pilot Job



Accumulated number of views – QCG Pilot Job



EasyVVUQ-QCGPilotJob: a lightweight integration code that simplifies usage of EasyVVUQ with a QCG Pilot Job execution engine. The tool can be used for efficient, parallel execution of demanding EasyVVUQ scenarios on HPC resources.


Accumulated number of downloads – EasyVVUQ-QCGPilotJob



Accumulated number of views – EasyVVUQ-QCGPilotJob



MUSCLE3 is the third incarnation of the Multiscale Coupling Library and Environment. Its purpose is to make creating coupled multiscale simulations easy, and to then enable efficient Uncertainty Quantification of such models using advanced semi-intrusive algorithms.

Accumulated number of downloads – MUSCLE3



Accumulated number of views – MUSCLE3



EasySurrogate is a toolkit designed to facilitate the creation of surrogate models for multiscale simulations. The beta version of the EasySurrogate toolkit is for replacing the expensive (small-scale) components of multiscale simulations by a surrogate model.

Accumulated number of downloads – EasySurrogate



Accumulated number of views – EasySurrogate



VECMAtk (The VECMA toolkit): establishes a platform for verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ). The original VECMAtk hosted in the GitHub are collection of information. It has been updated for download and installation of all components of the full toolkit during the M24 release.

Accumulated number of downloads – VECMAtk



Accumulated number of views – VECMAtk



Plugins (FabCovid19, FabFlee and FabMD)

FabSim3 is an automation toolkit written in Python 3 featuring an integrated test infrastructure and a flexible plugin system. There are several plugins available from a diverse range of scientific domains

FabCovid19: for Covid-19 modelling.

Accumulated number of downloads – FabCovid19



Accumulated number of views – FabCovid19



FabFlee: for migration modelling

Accumulated number of downloads – FabFlee



Accumulated number of views – FabFlee



FabMD: for molecular dynamics modelling using Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS).

Accumulated number of downloads – FabMD



Accumulated number of views – FabMD